Facts about HiPP

First baby food from the parent HiPP 1899
Company Formation 1932 by Georg Hipp

other shareholders:

Prof. Dr. Claus Hipp, Paulus Hipp,
Stefan Hipp Hipp Sebastian and other family members
Corporate philosophy Manufacturing products of the highest quality and in harmony with nature
Number of employees 2,000 people
Production Germany, Croatia, Austria, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Hungary
Important marketsGermany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Croatia, Austria, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, Scandinavia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary and other Eastern European countries.
Product categories / number of products
Infant formula / paps / Teas:
Complementary foods / drinks:
Babysanft Baby Care:
Gentle Mama and Mama for pregnant / lactating women:
Drinking and tube feeding:

Customer structure Classic food and drugstore retail stores, pharmacies, drug stores
Number of organic farms approx. 6,000
Acreage approx. 15,000 hectares
Address of Philippine exclusive distributor Advanced Nutritional Technologies Inc.
3/F BCS Prime Bldg., 2279 Don Chino Roces Extension, Brgy. Magallanes, Makati City, Philippines 1231
Telephone: +632 317-7700
Fax: +632 224-2059
E-Mail: info@antech-asia.com
Web: www.hipp.ph

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